Double Wheel from Pascal Gaming

Game Description

"Double wheel" is a new ongoing game that players can join at any time, which allows players to place bets and win up to 20.000 USD (this will be configurable by partners). There are 2 wheels in the game, which spin independently from each other and randomly stop at predefined ODDs on each.
The Player can configure how many bets to place on different odds at the same time. Then the Player should press the bet button, wheels will start to spin and stop on random odds, if the odds on the wheels match and the user has the placed bet on the corresponding odds he gets his winning with the corresponding odd. 
If one of the wheels stops on the wild section and the other on the user's bet type (odd), the user wins with the corresponding odd. 
If both wheels match with the wild symbol user gets rewarded with a free spin feature from 1 to 3 randomly. During the free spin, mode wheels can match again with a wild symbol, the new free spin quantity will be added to the running one.
The Player loses if the odds he placed on his bet do not match on both wheels. 


Possibility to place 6 bets at the same time 
Game result checking possibility
Top bets
Provably fairness calculator

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  • Update as per Wednesday 10.08.2022, at 10:00 


    x2 odd for the first market are changed into x1.9.

    New RTP - 96%

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 122Views
  • 2 Following

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