Pasoor - Betconstruct

Pasoor is a fishing card game of Persian origin in which numbers are captured by making a total of 11. It is loved by many players all over the world and is most popular in the region where the game originated and the neighboring states. Both online and offline, Pasoor is popular due to its fast pace and engaging gaming process. Preserving the historical value of the game, BetConstruct gave it a modern design and spirit. Those who are familiar with Pasoor will quickly join the game and make it their top favorite within your suite of games. And the players who are yet to learn about this attractive gameplay will eagerly engage with the game especially considering the number of tournaments that BetConstruct offers for this game.
- Customizable tournament lobby based on certain criteria
- Demo view opportunity
- Flexible and configurable waiting time settings
- The opportunity of choosing winning rounds and points
- Available for global/local networks
- Game history is available for both the players and the operators
- Customizable theme options (avatars, card types, background theme, etc.)
- Desktop and mobile (tablet) versions available