Okey - Betconstruct

Okey is a tile-based game with a rich history behind it. It is played with a set of boards and tiles following simple rules. The game historically comes from Germany. Today it is played globally being majorly popular among the community of Turkish players. While you deliver exciting gameplay to your players with Okey, BetConstruct has enhanced the software with multiplayer functionality allowing you to attract thousands of players simultaneously. All the great features including the multiplayer mode of the game guarantee an enjoyable pastime for your players and generate high revenues for you.
- Tournament lobby based on certain criteria
- Demo view option
- Flexible waiting time settings
- The opportunity of choosing winning rounds and points
- Available for global/local networks
- Game history is available for both players and operators
- Customizable theme options (avatars, tile types, background theme, etc.)
- Desktop and mobile (tablet) versions available
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