Richie Roulette Game Show from CreedRoomz

Game Flow
Richie Roulette is a new game based on the standard Roulette rules. The player who places a Straight Up bet(s), has a chance to multiply Straight Up win(s) a minimum of 15-700 times by buying chances from 49 gold bricks appearing after the main betting time. At the end of the main betting time, a window with 49 golden bricks opens on the screen. The player can click on one of the 49 bricks - STARs. Each brick has a number written on it.
The clicked brick opens showing the number that multiplies Straight Up winning(s).
First chance - STAR is free
A window with 10 STARs and 49 golden bricks opens in front of the player. First chance - STAR is free. The player can get it by clicking on any golden brick. If the player does not click on any of the bricks (does not want to or does not make it), a STAR opens at random.
The second STAR’s (the first to be paid) purchase amount is equal to the Straight Up made in that round, and in more than one case, their total.
The player can buy up to 9 STARS and open 10 bricks (1 free + 9 paid) in one round.
The winning of the bet is multiplied by the numbers hidden under the STARs, according to the following principle:
If the player has only 1 STAR opened for free, the Straight Up win is multiplied by the number hidden under the STAR.
If the player buys more than one STAR, the Straight Up win is multiplied by the sum of all of them.
Richie Roulette gives players one more chance to win fast. Players who want to buy several additional chances at once can click on the appropriate number of STAR at once. For example, if a player wants to buy 5 STARS at once, he presses the number "5" by taking several steps at once with one click. The numbers of STAR selected by the player are opened either automatically, at random, or the player can choose by clicking on them.
Another super chance. At the end of the round, 1-5 STARs are randomly multiplied by 10-100 coefficients.
At the end of the round, 49 golden bricks are opened, showing all the numbers that were hidden under them.