Non Stop BlackJack - Pascal Gaming

  • updated 2 yrs ago

Table game which is the most popular game in live casinos is now with provable fairness feature, and there is no longer a need to wait for a free box, also compared with live casinos, we are able to give the users ability to place bets with very minimum bet amount.

Non-Stop Blackjack is a card game, where we have a dealer box and another box, which is called a player box, where an unlimited count of players can place bets, during the betting time. Betting time always starts when any player places his bet, before ending the betting time, all players can place their bets on the same box.
Each player will play against the dealer, which means each player's bet is totally separated from the other player's bets, each player will try to have 21 points and to have pointed more than the dealer's cards point at the same time, to win.

Table game which is the most popular game in live casinos is now with provable fairness feature, and there is no longer a need to wait for a free box, also compared with live casinos, we are able to give the users ability to place bets with very minimum bet amount.

Key features 

  • An unlimited count of players who can join each single round
  • the min bet amount is very little compared to our competitors (competitors who have a similar game, without provable fairness which are in live casino).
  • Provably fairness calculator.
  • Game result checking possibility.
  • The game is supported by more than 17 languages and currencies.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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